
About Us

Professional labour consultants, for expert advice
About Us

More About Leolaw / Labco

Having started practicing Labour Law under the previous industrial court system (1956 Act), we have been at the forefront of pioneering labour advice. We are firm believers in tertiary education and our specialised team carries various degrees and qualifications from South Africa’s top Universities.

It’s the service and experience of our dedicated staff that we put at your direct disposal.

What is the role of an Employers Organization?

According to the Department of Employment and Labour, all employers have a right to form, join and be active in employers’ organisations.

Employers’ organisations are needed for a number of reasons, including effective collective bargaining. This is an important way of determining employees’ wages and benefits and regulating industrial relations. They also provide a united way for sectors to engage government and legislative bodies on national policies that affect different industries. Employer organisations can also supply their members with information on training, legal services, and labour relations.

Far too often, an Employers’ Organisation is associated with providing representation at the Commission for Conciliation, Mediation and Arbitration (CCMA) or similar forums, and that’s the extent and breadth of the monthly membership fee paid to that Employers’ Organisation. 

At LABCO our service stretches far more than just CCMA representation, our professional team assists our members with:

  • Designated Key Accounts Manager
  • Phone-In helpdesk and WhatsApp chat option
  • Human Resources (HR) related queries
  • HR Policies and procedures
  • Disciplinary hearings
  • Retrenchments
  • Poor work performance
  • Medical incapacity
  • Grievances
  • Union negotiations
  • Representation at the CCMA and Bargaining Councils, just to mention a few.

Having Labour Law representation at your disposal is critical for several reasons, including:

  • Avoiding prejudice to the employer by being represented by a legal professional with the necessary experience and legal knowledge;
  • Navigating complex legal issues;
  • Assistance with the technical legal processes.

LABCO is dedicated to providing fair and professional labour law representation to ensure that our members have the best possible outcome in any labour related situation.

About Us
About Us
Total CCMA Cases (2022/2023)
Total Hearings (2022/2023)
Total Retrenchment (2022/2023)

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