Our services are exactly what you would expect from a legal professional, without the restrictions and at an affordable price.
The Labour Relations Act of 1995 and its various amendments, does create a challenging environment for Employers. We aim to guide our members in making sense of these challenges and provide cutting-edge advice on legal behavior.
We provide tailor made solutions to our partners. Membership fees are payable monthly in advance. Debit order facility is available.
Employers should have a clear understanding of the different employment options and dismissal categories at its disposal.
We have always guarded against diluting a specific area of expertise. We do however understand the principle of “single point responsibility” and the benefits of having one Accounts Manager to take responsibility for all your needs. We have sourced the best qualified Service Providers in the areas listed above and have set up subsidiaries to focus exclusively on each mandate. For premier service and single point responsibility contact our offices to arrange for a free presentation or for a quotation.
Employment Options
- Fixed Term Contracts Time based or project based
- Permanent Employment Probation periods and retirement dates to be fixed.
- Independent Contractors as opposed to Employees
- Mergers and Acquisitions and the implications and effect of purchasing
other firms and taking over staff. - Standardization of Employees remuneration and or benefits.
Employment Options
The fault of the Employee. Employers must adopt rules (disciplinary code) to guidethemselves and employees in this regard.
Poor Performance
Incompetence, lack of skill or knowledge,incompatibility, poor social skills.
Ill Health
Intermittent illness, physical incapability, long-term illness, alcohol or drug addiction.
No fault dismissals and procedures to be followed.