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Labco is at the forefront of pioneering labour advice, especially in uncertain times.

Our Services

We aim to guide our members in making sense of these challenges and provide cutting-edge advice on legal behavior.
Fancy Box

LABCO Training

Structured to guide you through the most relevant labour law processes and insights on how to handle certain situations.

A Passion For Justice.
The Experience For Win.

Labco is at the forefront of pioneering labour advice, especially in uncertain times. For the business owner and entrepreneur, it means that your labour affairs will always be aligned with the Law to prevent your business from falling into unnecessary pitfalls.

Collective bargaining, Disciplinary hearings, CCMA dismissals, CCMA unfair labour practices, HR policies and procedures, TERS UIF claims, Wage negotiations, Unions and Bargaining Councils, Employment options, Labour Law experts, and B-BBEE Level 4 contributor

Your Labour Relations Expert on Call


Labour Law

We offer a vast wealth of knowledge including but not limited to

CCMA Unfair Labour Practices

An unfair labour practice means any unfair act or omission that arises between an employer and an employee, involving: The…

CCMA dismissals

The CCMA's compulsory statutory functions are to: Conciliate workplace disputes. Arbitrate certain categories of disputes that remain unresolved after conciliation,…

Disciplinary Hearings

A disciplinary hearing is a formal process used by an employer to deal with issues relating to an employee's work…

Collective Bargaining

Collective bargaining is the process in which working people, through their unions, negotiate contracts with their employers to determine their…

Wage Negotiations and All Union Activities

A trade union is an organisation made up of members (a membership-based organisation) and its membership must be made up…

HR Policies and Procedures

Workplace policies often reinforce and clarify standard operating procedure in a workplace. Well written policies help employers manage staff more…

Dismissals and Retrenchments

Retrenchment is a form of dismissal. However, it's not due to a fault on the side of the employee (for…

Employment Contracts and Agreements

The Basic Conditions of Employment Act, in section 29, provides for certain written particulars of employment to be provided as…
Total CCMA Cases (2022/2023)
Total Hearings (2022/2023)
Total Retrenchment (2022/2023)

Training Platform

Our online Training Module Platform has launched. Structured to guide you through the most relevant labour law processes and insights on how to handle certain situations. Each course includes a Knowledge Test section and upon completion you will receive a Certificate of Compliance on the training module. 


Webinars are short, concise, focused work groups where we not only provide academic content but also live interaction in a workshop environment. 

Not only do we find that challenges, regardless of industry are not necessarily unique and we aim to resolve problems through our qualified panelists to provide real-time advice during the Webinars.


AI Bots

In the era of ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE (“AI”) we introduce our specialists bots. 

These bots are actively assisted intelligence in that trained professionals are operating and assisting on these portals.


Interested in a more cost effective solution

We always strive to win for our customers even in the most difficult cases

Interested in a more full service solution

Our customers put their trust in us and we did not let them down

Are you looking for help from a expert?

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If you have questions for our experts, just leave a request or contact us by contact phone +27 010 493 4655
1 %

Number Of Times Won

We always strive to win for our customers even in the most difficult cases

1 %

Happy Customer

Our customers put their trust in us and we did not let them down

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Mon – Fri: (8.00 am to 5.00 pm)
Sat: (Closed)
Sunday: (Closed)

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